Organization of a company children's club
with Leo children's events
Herten Municipal Utilities

Organisation and direction of the children's club of the Hertener Stadtwerke
We have been supporting the Hertener Stadtwerke since 2016 in the organization and management of their in-house children's club as well as in colorful events centered around the mascot Nobbi, the firefly. Advent celebrations, Easter parties or climate festivals - we have been there on site on a variety of occasions and have celebrated unforgettable events with the kids. We are always coming up with new and exciting puzzles, games or craft activities to suit the theme and the occasion.
Leo-Kinderevents advises and supports companies with conceptual children's animation
The collaboration with the municipal utilities in Herten began with detailed advice on the topic of children's clubs. With our many years of experience in the children's event sector, we can also be booked as a conceptual ideas factory. We are happy to pass on our accumulated know-how and expert knowledge of childcare and children's events. After that, we can of course also take over the implementation and execution of the children's entertainment if requested.