Children's events and childcare for
Düsseldorf Airport
Dusseldorf Airport
Leo-Kinderevents supervises children's area
and airport festival
Children's events for the airport festival in Düsseldorf
Ein besonderes Highlight war in dem Zusammenhang immer das große Kinder-Flughafenfest, das seit 2018 nicht mehr im Flughafen selbst, sondern an der Galopprennbahn im Grafenberger Wald in Düsseldorf stattfindet. Auch hier ist Leo-Kinderevents mit Bastelaktionen vor Ort gewesen. Passend zur Location stand 2018 und 2019 ein großes Steckenpferd-Basteln auf dem Programm. So bastelten wir im ersten Jahr innerhalb von vier Stunden 600 Steckenpferde mit den Kindern. Zusätzlich wurden in beiden Jahren jeweils weitere schöne Aktionen angeboten. 2018 waren dies Brettspiele, die wir eigens für den Flughafen entwickelten, 2018 Tic Tac Toe Spiele zum Selbstbasteln im Corporate Design des Kunden. Idee, Gestaltung und Produktion des Bastelmaterials erfolgte stets über unsere hauseigene Kreativabteilung.
Darüber hinaus betreuen wir weiterhin punktuell bei Veranstaltungen die Kinderevents für den Flughafen Düsseldorf.
Since 2014, we have been working successfully with Düsseldorf Airport, Germany's third-largest airport, in the area of children's events. Initially, from 2014 to 2019, we looked after the airport's closed children's area. Here, parents could leave their children in our care while they ran errands or explored the airport. Childcare took place monthly as part of Düsseldorf Airport's action days, which were unfortunately discontinued in 2019.
Craft activities for up to 600 children per day
We also regularly supported the family days at Düsseldorf Airport with individual children's events as well as craft and creative activities. Up to 600 children took part in the children's events every day. These craft and play areas in the terminal always dealt with a very specific theme on the action days, which always revolved around travel and exploring the world. The customer gave us the theme for which we thought up children's events and activities. Colorful themes here included, for example, cruises, Asia, Africa, America or jungle. Here we developed craft ideas that the children could quickly implement, as a relatively large number of children should have a sense of achievement and fun in a relatively short time.